Monday, June 15, 2015

On/off Tinder

I don't know if you've heard about this phone app called Tinder. If you haven't heard already, there's a lot of hype about Tinder. According to the Wikipedia article, Tinder won "Best New Startup of 2013." Tinder is described as "a location-based social discovery application that facilitates communication between mutually interested users. The app allows users to chat with their matches." It is basically a match making app, but it is largely used for hook ups.

Back in June 2014, I first downloaded Tinder. Since initial download, I have had an on-again-off-again relationship with Tinder. I've met some interesting people off Tinder, some hookups, one dating experience, some normal decent guys, and some incredibly boring. There was one coffee date where I wanted to leave after ten minutes. Tinder can get interesting with the types of people you can meet. It should be noted here that my relationship with Tinder has lasted longer than any guys I've met off the app.

Now, there's some stigma around Tinder, around online dating in general. There's this idea about the kinds of people who use online dating platforms. I want to stand up and fight for Tinder and online dating. Also, because I use Tinder and I'm not a (complete) weirdo.
  1. Tinder and meeting someone at the bar aren't that different - you know next to nothing about each other, you judge each other primarily by looks, and they're probably better looking in those moments than ordinarily anyways. 
  2. Tinder can be a nice way of getting in touch with the people you may miss in your day to day life. One Tinder date and I established that we live in the same neighbourhood, attend a lot of the same events, hang out at the same spots, etc. But if it had not been for Tinder, we would have never approached each other and spoken.
  3. I can Tinder while laying in bed in my ratty PJ shirt from when I was 10, with my sixth hour of Netflix on, and an almost empty tin of barbecue Pringles. 
See, Tinder can be pretty great.

I'm off and on Tinder a lot - for a number of different reasons. Off: during the school year and I wanted to concentrate on my studies. Off: when I was dating someone. On: vacation. On: I'm bored at home and Tinder can be kind of fun. Like for example, my Tinder profile says - "let's be honest to each other: I'm actually 13 years old. I just have longish legs and I like to drink beer. I'm looking for a guy w air conditioning." Some guys see the humour in this, but it's especially amusing when guys ask me, quite seriously, if I am really and honestly 13 years old. They are worried about possible statutory rape. No boys, I am in fact 21 years old and you are jumping the gun. Tinder is mostly harmless fun and games.

Yeah, Tinder is OK. It's fun. Go try it. Live a little. Have some Pringles. I am however, (temporarily) off Tinder at the moment.

PS. This is not sponsored by Tinder or Pringles, although that would be pretty great because I need a new laptop. (That's another very sad story.)

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